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Indonesia Nation Indenpendent, Advanced , Strong , Sovereign and the World's Maritime Axis
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning, everybody
First of all, introduce my name Hani Alfiyani, a student of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Tanjungpura. I want to make a speech about " indonesia nation indenpendent, advanced , strong , sovereign The world's maritime axis ".
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world. So that the coastal areas and oceans of Indonesia is known as a country with abundant marine resources and the largest marine biodiversity in the world. Not only that, the location of Indonesia which is in a favorable geographical area, between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean is touted as an important path for world trade traffic. The three sea lanes of the Indonesian archipelago are also a factor in support of success maritime indonesia.
Ladies and gentleman
The culture maritime is the concept of maritime or  marine  who embedded in everyday life in a nation. Unfortunately, some of the lately, the concept of indonesia as a Maritime State began to fade. Though two thirds of Indonesia is in the form of oceans, so if the concept of maritime is lost, then it is the same with indonesia  losing its symbol or identity as the largest archipelago country in the world. Actually it is worth to in pity. With the resources sea abundant but do not be used to the maximum will cause nagatif impacts as illegal fishing.
Ladies and gentleman
For the sake of the creation of Indonesia as a maritime of the world that is independent, advanced, strong and sovereign. So, we must pass the paradigm shift of national development, from land-based development to ocean-based development. Thus, all integrated public policies, infrastructure, and financial resources are directed to support marine development.
With the  development roadmap as above, Indonesia will not only become a large, independent, advanced, strong, prosperous and sovereign maritime state, but it will also become the world's maritime axis in  time is not too long.
Thanks for you attention

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